The power of deep learning on the entire heart.

The only AI platform built on the largest database of echos linked to mortality in the world.

Validated by

St Vincent's Private Hospital, Sydney & Melbourne
Heart X - HealthTech Arkansas Startup Accelerator

As featured in

The power of deep learning on the entire heart.

The only AI platform built on the largest database of echos linked to mortality in the world.

Validated by
St Vincent's Private Hospital, Sydney & Melbourne
Heart X - HealthTech Arkansas Startup Accelerator

As featured in

EchoSolv™ automatically identifies patients at risk of structural heart disease with unparalleled speed and accuracy.

Don’t let inaccuracies and inappropriate referrals obscure the patients who need your care most urgently.

EchoSolv™ improves the current standard clinical workflow associated with diagnosis and treatment.

How EchoSolv™ is unique


Developed on the largest training set in the world linked to mortality, offering crucial context when evaluating risk.


Intentionally designed to exclude the most common clinical biases, such as gender, race, and hemodynamic obfuscations.


Neutralizes the LVOT error amplification in the continuity equation.


Unlike others, EchoSolv™ was trained on hundreds of thousands of cardiologist-approved studies, not unreviewed Echos.

Scale consistent, personalized care through technology, without investing more time.

Streamlining clinical capacity by helping you prioritize referrals, automatically detect at-risk patients and publish reports.

Referrals aren’t always for the right patient at the right time — but EchoSolv™ automatically flags the most urgent cases for patient prioritization and ensures that the most useful data is automatically generated in the report.

Lower the burden of identifying AVR patients.

Immediately view multi-site population health and performance.

Neutralizes the LVOT error amplification in the continuity equation.

Uphold quality assurance and sonographer standards.

Reduce non-clinical variability in diagnosis and improve the consistency of care management.

Comprehensive Patient Discovery.

We identify the patients as soon as their study is complete, we then put the data in your hands.

Image of the EchoIQ Diastolic Dysfunction Dashboard
EchoSolv Heart Failure Dashboard

Automatic identification of your at risk patients. Quickly find the patients you are interested in, or review the status of your patient cohort as a whole with powerful filtering options.

Risk context at a glance—all EchoSolv™ results and echo data in one place. Easy to navigate to patient’s current and historical studies, as well as to view all echo measurement data.

Identification of patients within guidelines, and patients additionally identified as High and Medium risk for the Severe AS phenotype using AI*. Key measurements and outcomes for Severe Aortic Stenosis displayed alongside results.

Identification of patients within guidelines for Diastolic Dysfunction (DD). Key measurements for DD displayed alongside results.

Identification of patients within guidelines for heart failure (HF). Key measurements for HF grades displayed alongside results.

*EchoSolv™ phenotyping capabilities are available in New Zealand, with regulatory clearance planned for the US and Australia regions.

Review cases wherever, whenever.

EchoSolv™ provides access to at risk patients whether you are at your desk, or away from the clinic.

Mobile version of EchoSolv™ Discovery Screen
Picture of EchoSolv SMS Alert messages
Picture of EchoSolv Patient details page

Change (almost) nothing — but the lives you save.

EchoSolv™ enriches your clinical workflow without adding complexity.

Realtime insights

Uniquely able to provide detections in under 3 seconds, EchoSolv™ detections will be available when you start to write your report.

Enriching your workflow

With multiple integration options you can view the EchoSolv™ results alongside your other Echo images stored on your PACS, see the results directly on your cloud reporting software, access our easy to use app, or receive SMS and Email alerts for risk detections.

Your data, all the time

Multiple options to export your echo data and measurements giving you the ability to carry out your own cohort research.

Multiple outputs

You can generate PDF reports to include in patient files, or Results images can be written to your PACS.

Stealth mode

Want to use EchoSolv™ in class or as part of a talk, use stealth mode to hide PHI.

One secure account

Cardiologists need only one login to access multiple organisations. With all accounts protected by multi-factor authentication.

Activity control and monitoring

Comprehensive audit trails and role based access controls give you the ability to ensure only the people you want have access to your data.

Secure and trusted

Echo IQ is certified for SOC2 Type II and HIPAA compliance by independent auditors. We also undertake annual penetration testing of our systems.

Data protection controls

Health data is encrypted and stored in US data centres for North American customers and Australian data centres for Asia/Pacific.

Fully trained,
clinically validated,
and ready for you now!

Test the fastest and most accurate echo AI for yourself.

Retrospective and live studies in under 3 seconds.

Identifies 100% of in-guideline patients.

Connects to your PACS. No EMR integration required.

Some AI platforms simply check your work. We go a step beyond — and we have the studies to prove it.

Our work in aortic stenosis has been widely published. To the best of our knowledge, here’s how recent studies leveraging AI to detect aortic stenosis compared.



Trusted by Cardiologists.

Leading cardiologists around the world rely on EchoSolv™ to ensure consistency in their practice.

EchoSolv worked extremely well.

Everyone knows better than to put too much trust into LVOT. When we understood how EchoSolv neutralizes potential inaccuracies within LVOT, we realized we could move with greater confidence. Having every possible computational power at our disposal is a great tool in our toolkit.


EchoSolv worked extremely well.

The work being undertaken by Echo IQ utilizes novel approaches to the diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases that could potentially open treatment avenues for those in greatest need. The convergence of artificial intelligence, machine learning and novel techniques in echocardiography is incredibly exciting.


EchoSolv worked extremely well.

EchoSolv worked extremely well to identify individuals with severe aortic stenosis, despite needing minimal data inputs. Using EchoSolv in clinical practice could make a huge difference in our ability to identify those individuals who need timely evaluation.

Prof. Jordan Strom

Harvard Medical School Principal Investigator

EchoSolv worked extremely well.

Applying new digital technologies to the detection and treatment of cardiovascular diseases has the potential to change the way we approach public healthcare deliver.

EchoSolv worked extremely well.

The use of large cardiac datasets to develop solutions that advance risk detection for increasingly treatable conditions is incredibly exciting.


EchoSolv worked extremely well.

We thought this would be just another data mining company, but this is the first true AI in echocardiography we’ve seen. We’re impressed.

Structural heart department chair

EchoSolv worked extremely well.

To make my job really count, I need to see the people where I can make the biggest difference, the patients that, if left untreated, are likely to have a bad outcome. This system automatically finds those very people at risk and bubbles them up to the surface. In my mind, this is the real value.

EchoSolv worked extremely well.

The application of new techniques such as machine learning and artificial intelligence to the world of cardiology creates significant opportunity to deliver meaningful improvements in diagnosis and treatment.


EchoSolv worked extremely well.

Ensuring that we aren’t underdiagnosing LFLG patients is important. EchoSolv excels at highlighting cases that might have been underdiagnosed.


EchoSolv worked extremely well.

EchoSolv is surprisingly straightforward. We were very pleased with how easy it is to implement and use.

PACs administrator

Simple pricing, no surprises.

Whether you are a large enterprise network, hospital, or small clinic, we have flexible pricing models consistent with your needs.

Seamless integration, fast deployment

We made sure adding EchoSolv™ to your workflow for realtime analysis is not a project.

Using a PACS solution in your network?

Easily connect EchoSolv™ to your DICOM compliant PACS server using EchoIQ Connect with a 15 minute install.
Straight away you will see EchoSolv™ results in our app, and results images appear alongside your Echo images in your existing viewer software.

Using a cloud PACS or reporting system?

Great news we can directly connect EchoSolv™ to one of our reporting system partners.
Giving you access to the power of EchoSolv™ in your existing reporting software

Extential FujiFilm
Piccolo Health

Don't have a PACS solution?

Don’t worry, we have you covered. Your Echo Machine can talk directly to our EchoIQ Connect software to enable realtime assessments.

Not ready for realtime analysis?

We can run EchoSolv™ assessments on DICOM SR files you send us.

Find out the best approach for you.

Our team of experts are ready to help.

Frequently asked questions

If you have anything else you want to ask, reach out to us.

How does your AI work?

Echocardiographic measurement data is passed into our proprietary algorithm which is based on learnings from the largest database of echocardiograms globally. The AI uses the echocardiographic measurements to determine the probability of the presence of AS phenotype (i.e at risk patients). The final output of the software considers both the AI probability of AS phenotype as well as evaluating the echocardiographic measurements against the European Society of Cardiology/European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery guidelines.

How long does it take to give me a result?

Our software can be used in 2 ways. 1) We can perform real-time assessments via secure cloud API in 1.5 seconds on average. 2) We can perform bulk historical assessments (quality audit) in under a few minutes.

What's the specificity and sensitivity?

99.98% accuracy. EchoSolv™ is a decision-support tool (not in-vitro diagnostic) providing risk stratification to support cardiologist decision making.

Why is EchoSolv™ AI better at detecting patients with aortic stenosis than what we do today by scanning the EMR data and cardiologist interpretation?

EchoSolv™ takes the measurements captured across all images in the study and maps them into a multi-dimensional AI model. The AI considers what’s happening using aortic velocity and gradient. Instead of using the aortic valve area, it examines all remaining measurements (including ventricular, atrial, and pulmonary and right heart measurement data) to determine the impact on the aortic valve area. The software then provides a probability of severe aortic stenosis. This automatically takes all AS scenarios into account including low-flow aortic stenosis, paradoxical low flow low-gradient and normal-flow low-gradient AS. The software provides two outputs, firstly it provides an alert for all patients that meet the AHA guidelines for severe AS, secondly it provides a probability of the severe AS phenotype (i.e at risk patients), providing unique insights not provided by other methodologies.

What is the minimum level of measurements that you require to provide an accurate assessment?

Age, BMI, LV Ejection Fraction and Peak Aortic Velocity.

How do you correct for a poor sonographer study/bad measurement data?

The AI has been trained using multidimensional clusters with data from over 1,000,000 echocardiograms. Any missing data is imputed using a multiple imputation model that has been tested across the entire data set. Bad (i.e. inaccurate) measurement data is also imputed based on the variables from all the other datapoints that were captured.